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Private Pilot Ground School
Take Flight with Confidence: Master the Skies at Our Private Pilot Ground School!
We offer an in-person Private Pilot Ground School designed to prepare students for the FAA Private Pilot Airplane Knowledge Test (PAR). The 15-week course consists of 30 lessons, held twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 pm to 8 pm, totaling 60 hours of instruction. Topics covered include aerodynamics, airport operations, aircraft systems, flight instruments, national airspace systems, air traffic control, weather theory and products, navigation, federal aviation regulations, weight and balance, aircraft performance, aeronautical decision-making, and aeromedical factors. The course costs $75 per person, with students responsible for the $160 FAA Knowledge Test fee.

15 Weeks

30 Lessons

60 Hours
Required Materials
The following books are free and available on the FAA website:
FAA 8083-25B Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
FAA 8083-3C Airplane Flying Handbook
FAA 8083-28 Aviation Weather Handbook
Physical copies are available for purchase upon request.

Register For Classes
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